Green CHange

We are a resident capacity-building program that connects people, place and nature to realize new possibilities for more equitable and sustainable communities.

We work with residents, community partners, and city-wide organizations on a wide range of environmental, urban planning, food security and social justice issues affecting the Jane and Finch neighbourhood.

Our approach is driven by four core values: Roots, Spark, Fairness, and Transformation.

  • ROOTS: Our programs are grounded in the community and based on real needs and aspirations.

  • SPARK: We are committed to bringing people from different backgrounds and sectors together to think creatively about a problem. We show different ways to make your ideas a reality.

  • FAIRNESS: We engage residents and partners in designing and leading our programs to build ownership and create more equitable and sustainable solutions.

  • TRANSFORMATION: We believe that healthier spaces and people are only possible when everyone has an active role in shaping their physical environment.



We are part of a network of local groups and residents working to increase access to healthy, affordable and culturally appropriate food in Jane and Finch through a community market, urban gardening, food literacy, and advocacy.

Public Space

Together with the Jane and Finch Boys and Girls Club, Toronto Park People and other partners, we lead programs and events to get more children and families playing outside, connecting with nature, and improving their underutilized parks and green spaces.

Community Planning

We create educational programs and contribute to research projects to better understand the scope and impact of planning and development proposals on our communities. We help define neighbourhood priorities around community spaces, green space, transportation, and environmental justice.

Community Education

We introduce children, youth and adults to environmental issues through hands-on, site-based workshops. We help build connections through local knowledge, traditions and skills.

Current Programs

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