Today is National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Day.

September 30 is the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, a time to reflect on the profound intergenerational harm caused by residential schools and the ongoing impacts of settler colonialism across Canada.

It has been 9 years since the release of the 94 Calls to Action by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, yet only 14 have been completed. This serves as a reminder of our collective commitment and how much work remains to be done—not only at the systemic level but also by individuals, agencies and non-profit organizations. In the non-profit sector, we all share the responsibility of advancing reconciliation and supporting Indigenous communities in meaningful ways.

With ongoing land disputes, the legacies of colonialism and our presence on stolen land, we must reflect on how our actions can contribute to pathways towards reconciliation. As an agency, the Jane/Finch Centre is committed to:

  • Providing more opportunities for staff to participate in cultural competency training and learning experiences centered around Indigenous history.

  • Identifying and prioritizing which of the 94 Calls to Action we can actively commit to as an organization.

  • Strengthening relationships with local Indigenous groups and communities, moving beyond words and statements to tangible, meaningful action.

We call on those across the non-profit sector to join us in reflecting on how we can support collective action and stand in solidarity with our Indigenous neighbours and the groups we share space with, who continue to provide vital support for their communities across Tkaronto.

The Jane/Finch Centre stands in solidarity with Indigenous peoples across Turtle Island. We recognize the urgent need to strengthen our support for Indigenous peoples' rights to reparations, true reconciliation and a commitment to accountability in implementing the 94 Calls to Action.


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