Community Development

We believe in growing and promoting the resource and resiliency of the people who make up jane/finch communities.

We work across the neighbourhoods of Jane and Finch to support community-based, community-led initiatives with a focus on addressing issues related to social and economic justice.

Through various activities and services, residents are supported to develop skills and capacity, to act as advocates for their families and community, and take on the leadership of creating the change necessary to strengthen their neighbourhoods. Projects and initiatives have included: support to residents associations and groups; community bbqs; backpack/back to school drives; social housing engagement initiatives; conversation circles; education advocacy; public awareness campaigns related to issues e.g. transit, poverty and precarious employment. Residents have designed and managed projects which have had a positive and healthy impact on their communities.

The team supports a variety of initiatives, projects and services which are driven and led by community member engagement. These initiatives are what the community knows to be needed and are supported and implemented with the community members as the designers and leaders of each activity.

We are building a stronger Jane and Finch through…