Community Wellbeing
Our community wellbeing department works with community partners to raise awareness about mental health issues by providing recreational programs for individuals requiring mental health support.
We work with community partners to:
Reduce the incidence of mental health related hospitalizations in Northwest Toronto.
Increase social interaction and integration into the community.
Reduce barriers to accessing mental health services caused by income, race, gender, language, sexual orientation and/or physical/mental health.
Increase knowledge and opportunities for referral to other appropriate community resources.
Access and contribute to a safe, supportive and creative environment that enhances capacities in dealing with life issues.
Toronto Community Crisis Service - Northwest
Toronto Community Crisis Service (TCCS) is a non-police response with multidisciplinary teams of trained crisis workers who will respond to non-emergency calls.
The CMHA Toronto is the anchor agency for Northwest Toronto. The program is delivered collaboratively with seven organizations in the Northwest: Jane/Finch Community and Family Centre, Yorktown Family Services, Addiction Services of Central Ontario, Black Creek Community Health Centre, Black Health Alliance, CAFCAN, and Rexdale Community Health Centre.
Access the Toronto Community Crisis Service by calling 2-1-1.
The HUB@2115 Drop-In
The HUB@2115 is a collaborative hub and one-stop shop for community services, providing support to resident in navigating their healthcare journeys.
All services through the HUB@2115 is FREE, and you don't require an OHIP card to access support.
Drop by to see our community wellbeing team who are at there every Monday and Wednesday from 10:00am-1:00pm, providing mental health supports, information on community resources and referrals to programs and services.
📍 2115 Finch Ave. West (Suite 204 – Building C).
For more information about what other services and support are offered through the HUB@2115, visit their website here: https://nwtoht.ca/the-hub/
Service Navigation Program
The Service Navigation Program supports residents of Jane and Finch and of Northwest Toronto in accessing mental health services and social supports in their immediate communities. It is open to anyone ages 13+ who are experiencing or are at risk of negative mental health outcomes. Upon registration to the program, a dedicated Community Wellbeing Worker will engage individually with clients and their caregivers to co-create a service plan that holistically addresses clients’ mental health and wellbeing. Beginning with a warm handoff followed by regular follow-ups, the worker will coordinate with different service providers to ensure that clients successfully navigate and access needed supports.
Operating through social determinants of mental health approach, the Service Navigation Program understands that one’s mental health is a product not only of biomedical factors but also of the social conditions individuals are in. As such, the program ensures that clients have access to both clinical supports and social service providers (e.g., food security, financial empowerment, housing workers), all of which impact one’s mental health and wellbeing.
How to access our Service Navigation program:
Clients, caregivers or service providers may register using this form: https://form.jotform.com/241344310141035
Upon registration, a dedicated Community Wellbeing Worker will contact the individual for an initial pre-screening and to schedule an intake.
The worker will work with the client and/or their caregiver in identifying an appropriate service plan.
The worker will work closely with the client as they transition to receiving specialized supports.
The client will receive supports around their immediate needs and the worker will close the file.
GIT Connected Program (YOUTH)
‘GIT CONNECTED’ is a community wellness plug aimed to provide mental wellness resources to young people.
To learn more about their programming, follow them on Instagram or contact the team at cwbteam@janefinchcentre.org.
Contact Information
For more information, contact one of our team members at: cwbteam@janefinchcentre.org.